Siglent SHA850-MAP Indoor and outdoor map license option


The Siglent SHA850-MAP is the Indoor and outdoor map license option for the SHA850A series spectrum analyser.

The Siglent SHA850-MAP is a software option for the SHA850 series spectrum analyzers that enables geographic mapping and interaction capabilities. This option works in conjunction with the SHA850-GPS module to provide enhanced functionalities for location-based RF analysis. Key features and functionalities of the SHA850-MAP include:

  1. Geographic Mapping: Allows users to download maps using the EasyMap software and load them onto the analyzer, facilitating visual interaction with geographic data on the instrument’s front panel.
  2. Real-Time Map Interaction: Enables real-time interaction with geographic maps, showing the analyzer’s location and correlating it with RF measurement data.
  3. Field Applications: Enhances the utility of the spectrum analyzer for outdoor and field applications by providing a visual representation of the geographic area being analyzed.

The SHA850-MAP option requires the SHA850-GPS module to function, as it uses GPS data to provide accurate geographic positioning on the maps.